Sweltering Hot Weather Conditions to Continue in TN with some Relief

Hot weather is expected to continue over the most parts of the state, with late afternoon thunderstorms expected to provide some relief. Coastal areas will continue to remain warm and humid with early sea breeze containing the soaring heat. Massive instability in the interiors will continue to fuel severe thunderstorms with chances of hail and sharp downpours.

City Outlook:

Chennai – Warm day with temperature peaking upto 36℃ inside the city and 40℃ in the suburbs.
Trichy – Sweltering hot weather expected to continue with temperatures peaking upto 41℃ with 20% chances of rain.
Madurai – Unrelenting Heat will continue to persist over the region with 30% chances of Rain in the later part of the day.
Coimbatore – Temperatures may peak upto 36℃  with some light chances of showers of Rain in the later part of the day.
Vellore – Super hot weather to persist with Temperature peaking Upto 43℃  with 60% chances of rains.