Chance of more rain persists

For past 3 days , though widespread rains were forecasted for city and whole coastal Tamil Nadu , Only areas below Cheyyur received widespread very heavy rainfall, while North-coastal Tamil Nadu including Chennai ate mixture. But things are turning better for North Tamil Nadu and Chennai….. here’s how👇

The reason for this pattern of rains was stalling of low pressure area South east of Sri- Lanka which inturn restricted heavy precipitation below North-coastal Tamil Nadu.

Now as the low pressure starts moving west and getting a little elevated in latitude, convergence is expected to happen even over North-coastal Tamil Nadu , bringing good rains.

Once low pressure area moves to Arabian sea, Tamil Nadu coast will see pull effect rains ( moisture pull) which are generally intense…

In-short, North-coastal Tamil Nadu including Chennai city is likely to receive good rains starting tonight for next 2 days after which rains will decrease a bit.