Wet weekend likely for most parts of TN and SAP

A dry Diwali day was witnessed across Chennai and surroundings which granted our wishes to burst crackers. Rain is likely to be back tonight/tomorrow morning in most parts of Tamil Nadu including Chennai. There is a circulation close to Andhra coast likely to move towards NTN and SAP coast. Good amount of rain is expected from Pondy to Nellore areas with 15cm rain expected in KTCC in 3 days. Interiors are also likely to get a good amount rain during the day(afternoon/evening) for the next 3 days due to atmosphere instability.

Also worth mentioning, there is a system forming for Nov10-15 likely to affect NTN and SAP. This system needs to be studied as many models predict extreme rainfall in NTN and SAP. Expect a huge 10 days ahead for TN with some sleepless nights.